Thursday, May 6, 2010

Doing what's possible to carry on his vital work

Two scholarships have recently been established to help carry on Jim's work in communications education.

The larger, the one for which the candidate has been chosen AND the one for which donations gratefully will be accepted is at Victor Valley High School in northwest Victorville, where Jim year after year earned superlative evaluations as a computer media specialist.

Donations ARE tax-deductible, and anyone who demonstrates this generosity -- in any amount and at any time -- will receive, by traditional mail, appropriate documentation to this effect.

(If you're interested, reply with a comment and I'll comment back with the details.)

Those who want to see the scholarship presented may attend the ceremony Friday, May 21, at the baccalaureate at High Desert Church in northwest Victorville. You don't need to pay, obtain a ticket or make a reservation. However, word-to-the-wise is to get there closer to 5 p.m. even though the event officially starts at 6 p.m.; this is a popular, well-attended event.

(Again, if you're interested, reply with a comment and I'll comment back with the details.)

The smaller scholarship -- actually a special award in the annual writing contest at the college in which Jim won four awards back in the late 90s -- will be presented at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 5, in the Learning Resource Center aka the library at Victor Valley College in southeast Victorville. Again, it's free and open to the public. No donations are sought for this at this time.


  1. That's awesome Judith! Where would we send donations?
    - Brian C.

  2. Kathleen Allen here and I think this is a wonderful way to carry on the memory of a man who gave so much to his community.

    Thank you for giving us a path to honor his activity and driving force.

  3. Brian, Kathleen, Judith here. thank you for your support. It really means a lot.

    Forgive me, but I don't have the exact details in front of me as I ought to. However, just go ahead and call Cynthia Stone, the ASB Bookkeeper at Victor Valley High School, (760) 955-3300. She usually works from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday. Just nicely ask her exactly how to MAKE OUT the check and exactly what to put in the MEMO field. (I DO have that information, but I don't have it right now, and -- for reasons that I don't have the time to go into here -- I am not always able to get into this website.

    Thanks again for your support. And, I'll make a point of having the information at hand the next time I am able to get into this site.
